Conference Proceedings
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Cattle Grazing on Public and Private Non-pasture Grasslands (2011)
Part 1
- Grazing as Management Tool Summit at Whiterock (Tolif Hunt, Whiterock Conservancy)
- Grazing for Wildlife? (Matt Dollison, Iowa DNR)
- Grazing Management - Different Strategies (Jim Russell and Joe Sellers, ISU)
- Grazing on CRP Lands (Keri Jacobs, ISU)
- Importance of Cattle to Conservation and Community (Paul Lasley, ISU)
Part 2
- Cooperation to Enhance and Retain Grassland (Joe Sellers, ISU)
- Non-operator Landowners and Grassland Management: Issues and Opportunities (J. Gordon Arbuckle, ISU)
- Synthesizing Research on the Ecological Opportunities for Grazing in Iowa (Mae Rose Petrehn, ISU)
Cornbelt Cow-Calf Conferences
- Baleage - Making & Utilizing Higher Quality Hay (Dave Robison, Legacy Seeds, Inc.)
- Can Selection Indexes Improve Profitability? (Lee Leachman, Leachman Cattle of Colorado)
- Controlling Costs to Improve Profit Potential (Jim Werner, Werner Family Angus)
- Cow-Share Agreements: Starting or Expanding a Cow Herd (Patrick Wall, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
- Feeding and Economic Considerations for Baleage Use in Cow-calf Diets (Patrick Gunn, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
- Livestock Marketing/Price Risk Management (Ryan Drollette, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)
- Replacement Heifer Development (Brian Huedepohl, Veterinary Medical Center, Williamsburg, IA)
- Replacement Heifer Development: Changing Minds for the Change in Times (Brian Huedepohl, Veterinary Medical Center, Williamsburg, IA)
- Risk Management for Cattlemen (Tony Latcham, Son Risk Management and Keokuk County cattle producer)
- Using Cover Crops to Boost Profitability in Your Operation (Dave Robison, Legacy Seeds)
- Confinement Feeding Beef Cows (Rick Rasby, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Cover Crops Cover a Lot of Possibilities (Steve Barnhart, Iowa State University; David Otte, Green Valley seeds; Harry Cope, Missouri producer)
- Drought Year Feed Options for Cow Herds (Dan Loy, Iowa State University)
- Energy Conservation Program (John Whitaker, Farm Service Agency - Iowa)
- Have Your Pastures Survived the Drought of 2012? (Kenneth Suter, Missouri producer)
- Importance of Rural Water to Southern Iowa’s Livestock Industry (slides) (John Glenn, Rathbun Regional Water Association)
- John Deere’s Outlook on Cattle Economics (Andy Hansen, John Deere Ottumwa Works
- Look into the Future of the Cattle Industry (Lee Schulz, Iowa State University; Glynn Tonsor, Kansas State University)
- Looking Back at What’s Ahead (Steve Folgesong, Illinois producer)
- Water Quality for Livestock (Steve Ensley, Iowa State University)
- Applied Approaches to Cow Efficiency (Art Brownlee, JHL Ranch, Ashby, Nebraska)
- Maintaining Competitiveness with Today’s High Corn Prices (Darrell Peel, Oklahoma State University)
- Preparation Keys for Successful Bull Purchases by Commercial Cattlemen (Bob Weaber, Kansas State University)
- Selection for Efficiency (Nick Hammett, Circle A Angus Ranch, Iberia, Missouri)
- Strategies for Renewed Forage Production (Bruce Anderson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Successful Forage Seeding Methods (Bruce Anderson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Sustainable Production and Distribution of Bioenergy (Chad Hart and Bob Wells, Iowa State University)
- The Current Economic Climate of the Cattle Industry (Darrell Peel, Oklahoma State University)
- Tips for Strategic Culling, Cow Body Condition Scoring and Replacement Selection (Bob Weaber, Kansas State University)
- Using Genetics to Get More Efficient (Bob Weaber, Kansas State University)
- Anaplasmosis in Iowa (Grant Dewell, Iowa State University)
- Another Year of Record Fed Cattle Prices (Ron Plain, University of Missouri-Columbia)
- Diverse Cattle Operations - One Common Goal (Tim Kaldenberg, Bill Couser, Colin Woodall, and Sparky Wellman)
- Finding Links in the Value Chain (Jeff Ryan, Cresco, Iowa)
- Hay Storage Approaches (Miles Keaton, John Deere Ottumwa Works, Ottumwa, Iowa)
- Management Intensive Grazing And How We Look at Costs (Dave Lubben, Lubben White Oak Farms, Monticello, Iowa)
- Preventing Perinatal Beef Calf Mortality (Terry Engelken, Iowa State University)
- Producer and Practitioner Assisted Research: Suckling Beef Calf Pneumonia (Terry Engelken, Iowa State University)
- Dealing with Legal Liability Issues: A How-to-Guide for Protecting Yourself and Your Farm (Erin C. Herbold, Iowa State University, Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation)
- Feeding Beef Cows in Winter (Robert Kallenbach, University of Missouri)
- Livestock and Laundry, Crops and Kids: A Woman’s Role in Agriculture (Jenni Peters, Peters Beef Genetics)
- Optimizing Forage Production During the Growing Season (Robert Kallenbach, University of Missouri)
- Presentation Dealing with Legal Liability Issues: A How-to-Guide for Protecting Yourself and Your Farm (Erin C. Herbold, Iowa State University, Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation)
- Reproductive Strategies that Work (Dr. Tom Geary, Pfizer Animal Health)
- Simple Practices for Better Hay (Jim Buchs, Hay & Forage Specialist, John Deere)
- Tips to Help Make Dog Training Easier (Gary Goehring, Keosauqua, IA)
- Animal Rights: Addressing Concerns (Elizabeth L. Walker, Missouri State University)
- Beef Outlook in Uncertain Times (Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University and John D. Lawrence, Iowa State University)
- Distillers Grains for Cows: Boon or Bust? (Daryl R. Strohbehn, Iowa Beef Center)
- Ethanol 101 (Chuck Crabtree, Indian Hills Community College)
- Finding, Adding, and Marketing the Value of Beef (Brantley Ivey, River Ridge Land and Cattle Company, LLC. Grayson County, Virginia)
- Forage Production Efficiency Factors (Don Ball, Auburn University)
- Improving the Aesthetic and Environmental Quality of Your Farmstead by Landscaping (Gary Twedt, Iowa State Horticultural Society)
- Past Cow-Calf Production Trends - Can They Tell Us Our Future? (Daryl Strohbehn, Iowa Beef Center)
- Remodeling Your Production System (Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University and John D. Lawrence, Iowa State University)
- Cowherd Feeding Options to Minimize Cost (Rick Rasby, University of Nebraska)
- Dare to be Different (Henry Langstraat Jr., Otley, Iowa)
- Future of the Round Baler in Harvesting Crop Residue (Holly Padgett and Doug Heinje, John Deere Ottumwa Works, Ottumwa, Iowa)
- Going to Work for Agriculture (Megan Ritter, Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers)
- Grazing Management of Beef Cows to Limit Non-profit Source Pollution of Streams in Midwestern Pastures (Jim Russell, Mat Haan, and Doug Bear, Iowa State University)
- Growing Your Livestock Farm Responsibly and Successfully (Megan Ritter, Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers)
- Improving Pasture Productivity Through Forage Management (David Otte, Green Valley Seed, Kahoka, Missouri)
- Improving Your Cattle Risk Management Skills Using (James Mintert, Kansas State University & Brett Crosby, Custom Ag Solutions)
- Improving Your Cattle Risk Management Skills Using Presentation (James Mintert, Kansas State University & Brett Crosby, Custom Ag Solutions)
- Iowa Fence Law (Roger A. McEowen, Iowa State University)
- Lease Termination and Other Legal Considerations for Lease Contracts (Roger McEowen, Iowa State University)
- Opportunities and Challenges for Cow/Calf Producers (Rick Rasby, University of Nebraska)
- Recent Developments in Beef Cattle Improvement (Dorian Garrick, Iowa State University)
- Top Ten Agricultural Law Developments for 2007 (Roger McEowen, Iowa State University)
Driftless Region Beef Conference (University of Illinois, Iowa State University, University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin)
- 2018 Proceedings
- 2017 Proceedings
- 2016 Proceedings
- 2015 Proceedings
- 2014 Proceedings
- 2013 Proceedings
- 2013 Session Presentations
- Alternative Feedstuffs and Changing Coproducts: Cowherd (Dan Shike, University of Illinois)
- Alternative Feedstuffs and Changing Coproducts: Feedlot Cattle (Tara Felix, University of Illinois)
- Beef Cattle Feed Efficiency (Dan Shike, University of Illinois)
- Beef Cow Herd Efficiency (Amy Radunz, University of Wisconsin-River Falls)
- Cattle Market Outlook: 2013 and Beyond (Darrell Peel, Oklahoma State University)
- Comparison of Finishing Housing Systems (Dan Loy, Iowa State University)
- Crossbreeding Overview (Matt Spangler, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Current Topics in Beef Pasture Management (Rhonda Gildersleeve, University of Wisconsin)
- Manure in Deep Bedded Finishing Buildings (Dan Huyser, Iowa State University)
- Marketing Options for Holstein Steers (Jon Hansen, JBS USA)
- Overview of Feed Efficiency Project (Dan Loy, Iowa State University)
- Replacement Female Strategies (G. Allen Bridges, University of Minnesota)
- Selection for Improved Feed Efficiency (Matt Spangler, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Winter Cow Feeding Strategies (W. Travis Meteer, University of Illinois)
Feedlot Forum (2010)
Iowa Beef Center Feedlot Conference (2009)
Animal Care and Environment Materials
- Assessment of Animal Care and Welfare (Terry Engelken, Iowa State University)
- Beef Cattle Feeding in a Bedded Hoop Barn: Three Year Summary (Mark Honeyman, et al., Iowa State University)
- Cattle Comfort - Reducing Heat and Cold Stress (Darrell Busby, Iowa State University Extension)
- Characteristics and Value of Manure from Bedded Confinement Buildings for Beef Production (Russ Euken, Iowa State University Extension)
- Euthanasia Guidelines for Cattle (Terry Engelken, Iowa State University)
- External Forces Affecting your Business: Animal Care and the Environment (Maynard Hogberg, Iowa State University)
- Gaining Value from Beef Feedlot Manure (Russ Euken, Iowa State University Extension)
- Heat Stress In Feedlot Cattle: Producer Survey Results (Darrell Busby and Dan Loy, Iowa State University Extension)
- Managing Manure from Beef Feedlots for Crop Production (Russ Euken, Iowa State University Extension)
- On-Farm Animal Mortality Disposal (Kris Kohl, Shawn Shouse and Kapil Arora, Iowa Beef Center)
- Practical Euthanasia of Cattle (Animal Welfare Committee of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners)
- The Greenhouse Hamburger (Nathan Fiala)
- Understanding Common Terms Used in Discussions about Climate Change and Agriculture (Rich Pirog and Rebecca Rasmussen, Iowa State University)
- Understanding Your Carbon Footprint (Dr. Robert Anex, Iowa State University)
Business Management Materials
- Calculating Yardage - Are You Charging Enough? (Dan Loy and Denise Schwab, Iowa State University Extension)
- Evaluating Cattle Health and Performance (Grant Dewell, Iowa State University Extension)
- Feeder Cattle Marketing Assessment Tool (Iowa Beef Center)
- Feedlot Cost Management Assessment Worksheet (Iowa Beef Center)
- Feedlot EMS Assessment Worksheet (Iowa Beef Center)
- Feedlot Overhead and Operating Cost Estimation (Iowa Beef Center)
- Iowa’s Beef Business Climate (John Lawrence, Iowa State University Extension)
- Observations on Successful Feedlots (Gary Fike, Certified Angus Beef)
Employee Management Materials
- Beef Leadership Fellows Program brochure (Iowa State University)
- Finding Good Employees (Terry Chapman, Kirkwood Community College)
- Overcoming Tough Employee Management Issues (Don Tyler, Tyler & Associates)
Iowa Forage and Grassland Council
- Ration Analysis for Forage Based Beef Diets using BRANDS (Garland Dahlke, Iowa State University)
- Implications of Grazing Management on Soil Health and Environmental Quality (Jim Russell, Iowa State University)
- Land Use Decisions with Marginal Farm Ground (Joe Sellers, Iowa State University Extension, and Brian Peterson, producer)
- Management to Establish and Maintain Alfalfa (Bruce Anderson, University of Nebraska Extension)
- Management to Improve Pasture Plant Diversity and Production (Bruce Anderson, University of Nebraska Results of My SARE Producer Grazing Project (Jeff Liston, Turtle Rock Angus) Extension)
- Report on Brazilian Beef Production (Dave Miller, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, Dan Loy and Erika Lundy, Iowa Beef Center)
- Stockpiling and Strategic Supplementation (Jamie Elizondo, producer)
Iowa Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative Conference "Grazing Systems that Meet Your Needs, Improve Production and Enhance the Environment" (2010)
- Heifer and Young Female Development (Rick Rasby, University of Nebraska Extension)
- Keys to Profitable Cow-calf Production Systems (Rick Rasby, University of Nebraska Extension)
- Legal Issues for Direct Marketers (Erin Herbold, Iowa State University)
- Management of Diverse Pastures (Steve Barnhart, Iowa State University Extension)
- Pros and Cons of Various Grazing Systems (Mark Kennedy, NRCS)
- Raising Meat Goats on Pasture (Mark Kennedy, NRCS)
- 10 Tips for Extending the Grazing Season (Mark Kennedy, NRCS)
- Weed and Brush Management in Pastures (Byron Sleugh, Dow Agrisciences, LLC)
- What’s YOUR REAL Cost of Production? (Denise Schwab, Iowa State University Extension)
Iowa-Wisconsin Silage Conference (2018)
Stockmanship & Stewardship (2024)
- Program website
- IBC news release
- Program presentations
- Acclimating Cattle into Feedlot (Grant Dewell, Iowa State University Extension)
- Culvers (Alison Demmer, Culvers)
- Panel discussion
- The impacts of trace minerals in the feedlot (Dathan Smerchek, ISU)
- Winter manure management (Stanley [Jay] Solomon, Illinois Extension)